Sam’s Best Of 2015: Artificial Intelligence, Homo Naledi And John Dewey

Each day this week, we are handing the reins over to a member of the Vermont Edition team, who will share their favorite segments from the past year! Today’s selection comes to us from producer Sam Gale Rosen.  Merging Mind And Machine Check out the full piece. BINA48 is an artificial intelligence built by The Terasem Movement Foundation in Lincoln. Talking to her in person is a little unusual — she’s an electronic head-and-shoulders bust with eyes that follow your movements and a computerized voice that comes out of a nearby speaker. She’s also a replica of the voice and personality of a real person, but you’ll hear more about that in a few minutes. In addition to being the home of BINA48, there’s a lot else going on there that…

Link to Full Article: Sam’s Best Of 2015: Artificial Intelligence, Homo Naledi And John Dewey

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