Should Brands Tread Lightly With AI After Facebook’s ‘Trending’ Debacle?
Do Facebook’s “Trending” troubles—thanks to leaning on artificial intelligence to show what content is hot—mean that AI isn’t ready for prime time? Marketers this week are grappling with the question. A fake news story over the weekend about Fox News’ Megyn Kelly was elevated to a top spot on the social platform’s Trending section, raising questions about Facebook’s decision to switch out human curators for machine learning. The development arrived at time when many marketers easily recall Microsoft’s debacle with an AI-based chat bot last spring. “AI will continue to improve, but it needs to start somewhere,” said Tim Webster, chief strategy officer at Exchange Lab. “However, what incidents like this and Microsoft’s Twitter Bot show is that it’s not quite ready to go. Some human vetting and human biases…
Link to Full Article: Should Brands Tread Lightly With AI After Facebook’s ‘Trending’ Debacle?