Smart sensor and machine learning could help diagnose voice disorders

A smart sensor and machine learning algorithms could help the 1 in 14 working-age Americans who suffer from damaging voice disorders, claims a new research project by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Some of the voice disorders the team was interested in were ones that can lead to the formation of nodules or polyps on a person’s vocal cords, which can interfere with regular speech production. This effect is sometimes seen in singers, teachers, or people in other jobs which require them to use their voice at high intensity for prolonged periods. By creating a noninvasive wearable accelerometer able to be plugged into a regular smartphone, MIT researchers think they could have an important diagnostic tool on their hands. Related: Machine learning may be…

Link to Full Article: Smart sensor and machine learning could help diagnose voice disorders

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