Stealing an AI algorithm and its underlying data is a “high-school level exercise”

Billions of dollars are being poured into building sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms. But they could all be snatched away if even a tiny door is left open. Researchers have shown that given access to only an API, a way to remotely use software without having it on your computer, it’s possible to reverse-engineer machine learning algorithms with up to 99% accuracy. In the real world, this would mean being able to steal AI products from companies like Microsoft and IBM, and use them for free. Small companies built around a single machine learning API could lose any competitive advantage. Moreover, after copying the algorithm, the researchers were also able to force it to generate examples of the potentially proprietary data from which it learned. If the algorithms are built on…

Link to Full Article: Stealing an AI algorithm and its underlying data is a “high-school level exercise”

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