The ‘breakthrough’ iPad game that can spot autism in children with 93% accuracy
The ‘breakthrough’ iPad game that can spot autism in children with 93% accuracyGave 33 children with autism and 45 without iPad games to playGames were coded with ability to track finger movements and gesturesFollowing the gameplay, the team analyzed data from both groupsFound children with autism have a greater force of impact than others By Stacy Liberatore For Published: 00:21, 31 August 2016 | Updated: 00:22, 31 August 2016 The way children play iPad games could reveal if they have autism, researchers have found.They found those with the condition used greater force and moved their finger in different ways.It is hoped the app could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment. Scroll down for video The children were asked to play games on smart tablet computers with touch-sensitive screens and embedded movement sensors. The…
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