The truth behind AI, machine learning, and bots
Galen Gruman | June 1, 2016 There’s a lot of loose talk about our AI-driven future. But expect to keep using your own brain for a long time to come. Artificial intelligence — in the guises of personal assistants, bots, self-driving cars, and machine learning — is hot again, dominating Silicon Valley conversations, tech media reports, and vendor trade shows. AI is one of those technologies whose promise is resurrected periodically, but only slowly advances into the real world. I remember the dog-and-pony AI shows at IBM, MIT, Carnie-Melon, Thinking Machines, and the like in the mid-1980s, as well as the technohippie proponents like Jaron Lanier who often graced the covers of the era’s gee-whiz magazine like “Omni.” AI is an area where much of the science is well established,…
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