UK to Set Up a Council of Data Science Ethics

by Angela Guess Rebecca Bazeley recently wrote in PHG Foundation, “The UK Government is to set up a Council of Data Science Ethics. The development comes in response to recommendations from the Science and Technology Committee’s report The big data dilemma published earlier this year. The Council of Data Science Ethics will be established within the Alan Turing Institute as a means of ‘addressing the growing legal and ethical challenges associated with balancing privacy, anonymisation, security and public benefit.’ In its response, published yesterday, the Government stated the new body would clarify and provide ‘guidance on ethical, legal and technical issues (allowing) data science to develop more quickly and appropriately, giving the UK an opportunity to gain a global advantage’.” Bazeley goes on, “Nicola Blackwood MP, Chair of the Science…

Link to Full Article: UK to Set Up a Council of Data Science Ethics

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