Would Apple Inc. (AAPL) include Artificial Intelligence in Coming OS?

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is highly expected to release its next big iOS update during its upcoming September event, along with a host of new devices. Previously, it was believed that Apple would always have a limited approach towards artificial intelligence due to its tight control over user policy. However, iOS users might have not realized it but there is already artificial intelligent capability applied in the current generation iOS operating system. Top Apple executives revealed this in a recent interview with Backchannel. The company has given a clear indication that it will continue to implement artificial intelligence features in its next generation operating system. Apple executives have created an impression that artificial intelligence is not a “final frontier” that other tech companies have predicted it to be but they did confirm…

Link to Full Article: Would Apple Inc. (AAPL) include Artificial Intelligence in Coming OS?

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