Nvidia Sees The Future In Deep Learning

Nvidia Sees The Future In Deep Learning

Nvidia Sees The Future In Deep Learning Nvidia has been a leader in producing the technology behind high-quality graphics for years, but the company is now betting on a different future. With the rapid advances in self-driving vehicles, warehouse robots,...

Housing & Transportation

Housing & Transportation Housing Boston has a reputation for being a difficult and expensive city – but all of our students manage to find affordable housing!  The Harvard Housing Office has a wide selection of housing available to students, from...

Harvard Social Activities

Harvard Social Activities Harvard has a nearly unlimited number of social activities and personal/professional resources for graduate students.    Biomedical Graduate Student Organization.  BGSO exists to foster a sense of community among graduate...
Facebook just made a monumental mistake

Facebook just made a monumental mistake

Facebook just made a monumental mistake GETTY Facebook has made a big error in its latest move to shake up its news feedFacebook has suffered an embarrassing setback in its efforts to ensure users get the most important news directly to their homepage....

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