
The below lists various Forums about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Forums & Groups

The below is a list of forums, news groups, blogs, magazines and films related to AI and ML.


  • Check out our own forums at Neurons.AI – Also has a dedicated forums for members. Free to join. Aimed at AI Practitioners and Researchers
  • AI Forums
  • AI Dreams – Forum for the Discussion of Artificial Intelligence and Linked Materials Such as Robotics, Character Design, Movies and New Technology
  • AI Research Forums – Thoughts, Theories & Studies on Artificial Intelligence


Mail and User Groups



We have a separate page dedicated to Blogs that post articles on AI & ML topics.


Kids Clubhouse

  • Computer Clubhouse Network – An after-school learning environment for kids to explore their own interests and learn about technology.



Check out our Forums Stream which aggregated the latest posts from a number of different forums, so you can scan updates from multiple forums all in one place.



If you would like us to add a specific item to this list, please let us know via our add a link page

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